Well, I am writing this a little sooner than expected but hope it might bring you all a little joy and possibly some cooking and baking ideas to try. Hopefully, these extra measures will have an impact soon and it won’t be too long before we are back in the salon cutting and colouring hair.
At least as the weather is typical of the season, we can wear bobble hats to cover any hair issues (I think I may be wearing mine indoors soon to cover my grey roots!) But if you can refrain from home colours, it would be advised as these often lead to more expensive corrections; as I look at my own roots I try to remember how amazing I will feel when I can have them done professionally again!
If you need any of our lovely Bumble and Bumble products, please email zeitgeisthair@gmail.com and we can sort this out for you. We have lots of hair powders and chalks in stock if you would like to make your root growth disappear until one of our great colourists can see you again.
If anyone is home schooling, can I just say you are doing an amazing job and each day you do, is one day closer to them going back to school! There are some great resources out there, especially https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize and https://whiterosemaths.com/. Also, the lovely Joe Wicks has started his PE sessions on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and I believe Bez from the Happy Mondays is doing ‘buzzing with Bez’ but I think my children possibly don’t need that kind of education just yet!!
In baking (and cooking news), how about having a go at these amazing brownies https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/best-ever-chocolate-raspberry-brownies or if you would like an really easy but delicious soup, I made this and it was really tasty especially if you like Indian flavours https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/spiced-carrot-lentil-soup. I had no bread, so made some soda bread, which is a really lovely accompaniment to the soup https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/irish-soda-bread, it needs no proving or yeast and if you don’t have any buttermilk (who does apart from Nigella Lawson), you can make it yourself by squeezing some lemon juice into the milk.
If anyone has a great recommendation for a book or a podcast (have you listened to Fortunately yet!), please email zeitgeisthair@gmail.com and I can include it in our next blog. It would be great to have some suggestions from our lovely Zeitgeist clients.
Look after yourselves everyone.
Anne – Reception