Zeitgeist - The spirit of now

Naomi Notices and More…

Posted June 30th, 2012 by admin with No Comments

What an emotional and heartbreaking week we have had in Hebden. Devastating floods ravaged our beautiful town and destroyed precious homes and businesses. Tearfully walking through Hebden last saturday morning, the shock and grief was palpable. However, overriding this was the utter determination and conviction of our community to support each other put things right.
Here at Zeitgeist, we were very fortunate and escaped with just a flooded (unused) cellar. However, we have been very touched by so many well wishers, who have telephoned or called in to enquire if we were affected.
And despite the floods, the overall feeling in town is of determination and positivity!
Saturday, 30th June brings carnival to the streets of Hebden with The Handmade Parade and also the commencement of The Hebden Bridge Arts Festival! Music, Theatre, Art, Dance, Poetry……….

As last year, our attic/staffroom at Zeitgeist Hair, will serve as a portal to tansform mere human mortals into fandabulous street performers! Last year it was human sized, blue haired peacocks; I’m looking forward to seeing what will be distracting me from me buttered crumpets this year!

Also in our attic (it really is like Narnia up those stairs!), is illustrator, and former artist in residence at Bradford University; Louise Lockhart.

Louise had a Pop up Shop “Delights” with us over christmas. During the Arts Festival Louise is returning to us, this time with a pop up furniture shop!

Louise aims to bridge the gap between illustration and contemporary craft, and she applys artwork onto furniture,clothing and furnishings. Please come along and have a look, everybody is very welcome!




Following on from Louise, we shall be having another Pop up Shop! “Honey Tuesday” is a boutique selection of childrens clothing and accessories, from new born to age 6. It looks gorgeous! Feel free to come and have a peek!





Finally, an up date on “The Oldest Apprentice in Town”…..
My training is continuing to go well. I’m as enthusiastic as ever, really enjoying learning what, i feel is a fantastic craft.
Aside from learning proper “hairdressery stuff”……graduation, layers, A lines (get me with the lingo!). I’m also learning that when holding my arms in the correct position when elevating – I must concentrate on my scissors and NOT on how my bingo wings wobble……..
When my trusting and patient model is sat in the chair and is able to see me in the mirror……..I must a) NOT stick out my tongue in concentration, and b) NOT look shocked and exclaim “Oh my God!” when eavesdropping on other people’s conversations, thus giving my model undue concerns regarding the back of her hair!
Let’s hope that July brings some much needed sunshine! Lots of love to all affected by the floods and we look forward to seeing you in the salon, be it as clients, or visitors to Narnia!

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