Zeitgeist - The spirit of now

Isolation, a little of what we’ve been up to…

Posted March 27th, 2020 by admin

As you will now be aware Zeitgeist is currently closed, but that hasn’t stopped us thinking creatively about what we can do whilst we spend time at home. Kaye is spending some of her time practising ‘hair ups’ so she can perfect her skills in this area, ready to work on her clients when the salon is back up and running. We are designing posters to decorate Zeitgeist’s window and if you want to do this either on your own or with your children we would be extremely grateful. Please email a picture of your posters to Debbie at zeitgeisthair@gmail.com, alternatively post them to the salon. Here are some mavelous examples…

In product news, we have plenty of Bumble and Bumble hair powders and colour sticks if you need to blend in your roots before you have the chance to get your hair coloured with us again. Debbie will be sending out products by post, so if you need any please contact her by email at zeitgeisthair@gmail.com

In baking news, I have made delicious rhubarb crumble squares (one of Becky’s favourites). A slice of this with a cup of tea and a bit of sunshine made me feel like the world was normal for a little while (until my four children appeared and I realised I should be homeschooling them!) For those who want to give it a go, here is the link, it is for an apricot crumb square but you can substitute it with any fruit.  www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/apricot-crumb-squares

For those missing a bit of culture, Amy would highly recommend for avid readers, Isabel Allende’s ‘A long petal of the sea.’ Jane and Debbie have watched ‘Blinded by the Light’ and say this is ideal for evening viewing. Mel has been listening to some audiobooks and for those health-conscious people out there have loved ‘5 minute morning boosters.’

For anyone homeschooling, you may find the following links useful https://youtu.be/6v-a_dpwhro  P.E with Joe Wicks at 9am every morning and Carol Vorderman has currently made her maths website free, normally you had to subscribe to it www.themathsfactor.com (thank you for this information Beth). I would just like to say be kind to yourself; I used to be a primary school teacher, so in theory, I should have got this sorted (I haven’t!) I have had to really lower my expectations so if we have managed to have three meals, done some exercise, the children have managed to do a little bit of work and I have managed to get through the day without crying it has been a GOOD day!!

I think I will be relying on quotes from Winnie the Pooh to get me through this period, so here is one of my favourites when dealing with partners or children…..’If the person you are talking too doesn’t appear to be listening, be patient, it may be simply that he has a small piece of fluff in his ear.’

Stay Safe

Anne – Zeitgeist Reception

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